Overcoming Design Obstacles
Designing an automated vehicular access point can be a challenging endeavor.
Specifying the correct equipment requires careful navigation of various site considerations such as:
• security requirements
• space constraints
• grade irregularities
• complicated sequence of operations
• aesthetic preferences
While going through this checklist, unique problems will often present themselves and narrow down the list of gate operators that will work for the project.
Picture this: a particular access point requires a high level of security but there is no room for a slide gate and raising a gate panel vertically does not fit the aesthetic. So, you are left with a swing gate as your only option. But, the lane slopes up hill on entry and the gate panel weighs more than a traditional pad mounted swing gate can handle. Adding to the complexity, there is only enough room for the gate panels and hinge posts. Where can a designer turn with all these obstacles?
HySecurity has a perfect solution for this and it’s called the SwingRiser™. The SwingRiser is a unique industrial grade swing gate operator offering the industry’s highest level of security for a swing gate. Operation is by a hydraulic piston arm that raises the gate 12” as it swings open, allowing it to clear an uphill grade, curbs or snow. The operator is locked in three ways, the locking pins at the leading edge of the gate, hydraulically and via the internal cam. This industrial grade operator can handle up to a 3,000 lb gate with a maximum length of 16’ per gate.
This operator solves every problem encountered in our example. By raising 12” as it opens, it clears the uphill grade. The hydraulic parts, locking pin and cam design all provide the high level of security required. Because the gate post is in fact the operator, it’s extremely space efficient while providing a nice aesthetic in the small space.
If you have future projects where automated vehicular access is a required, contact the HySecurity Specification sales team for assistance. The HySecurity Specification Sales Team can assist you with similar design obstacles and is here to help ensure your automated gate project conforms to the latest revisions of UL 325 and ASTM F2200. Feel free to contact us and we can discuss your project in depth.
Product mentioned in this article.
Smooth lift and swing action raises gate leaf to clear obstacles.IndustrialSwing Gate